The grass is coming on. It’s time to get the cows and calves worked and out on to summer pasture. Luckily we have some good help.
Cooper and Trace Whitney Jayce looks very serious! None of these calves want to go first.
The calf table is a great tool. Much easier than the old days when we roped them.

I think he was joking.
Calves were vaccinated for IBR/BVD, blackleg, pasteurella, and pinkeye. Bull calves also got a tetanus shot when they became steers. All the calves got ear notched, dewormed with Long Range and a dose of MultiMin.
We worked cows after we did the calves. The cows were vaccinated for vibro, lepto – including Hardjo bovis, and IBR/BVD in a combination shot of Virashield 6 VL5HB. They were also vaccinated for pinkeye with Ocuguard, dewormed with Long Range, treated/cleaned up for anaplasmosis with LA300, and given a dose of MultiMin. They are ready for spring pasture and breeding season!
Lane driving calves to the pen. Lane is ready to move cattle. Lane and his big brother Carter.
The littlest helper drove calves to the pen after we finished working them. He thought he was pretty important with his flag!
Work always goes better with good help and lots of smiles!
Until next time!
Don’t forget to close the gate!