The past couple of years have been rough. I’m hoping for better things in 2022, but if the craziness of the world gets to me, I’ll just take a walk on the creek. It’s comforting to know some things don’t change. The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west. Spring always follows winter, no matter how hard the winter might be.

Winter is cold, dreary and quiet. The creek keeps rolling while the land around it sleeps. It is a world colored in browns and grays, unless it decides to dress-up in a bright, brilliant white.

The creek will have a new face in the summer.

Spring brings the promise of warm weather and green grass.

And all too soon winter is here. Then we start all over again.

When the world gets crazy find your quiet place and relax.
Wishing you a Happy New Year and a wonderful 2022!
Until next time.
Don’t forget to shut the gate!