Spring is really here. The place is empty, well, almost empty. The only cattle left are the bulls, the nurse cows and a few odds and ends. We spent the day moving the pairs to their summer pastures. Five guys with stock trailers made 5 trips each to get everything moved into 3 different pastures. In between loads Mitch, the boys and I continued sorting cows and calves or bringing in the next set to load. The biggest concern is always making sure we have the right cows with the right calves going to the right place! It was a long day.

It never fails to amaze me that the mamas and babies can pick each other out in a pen full of bawling cows and calves, but somehow, they do. We leave them in the pen for about an hour, so everyone can settle down before kicking them into the pasture.

The place will be empty until fall when we start bringing everything back home again. The cycle continues – spring, summer, fall and winter. The cows are all happy to be out on grass and we are happy not to feed hay every day!
Until next time.
Don’t forget to shut the gate!