A blog about ranching and country life in Missouri
Siren Song
Today we checked on all the “out cattle”. We bring all the cows home during the winter and spring months. It makes our lives much easier having them close during calving time and when we need to feed hay. After the cows come home the weaned calves go back out on the “out” pastures.
These heifers will be spayed in April and then sent to the Flint Hills in Kansas to graze for the summer.They all come running when they hear the truck siren. To them the siren is like the music of an ice cream truck. We added the siren to the truck because horns wear out quickly and they aren’t as loud. The cattle will come from a mile away when they hear that siren song. They will follow that siren anywhere-even into a pen. They do love their feed!These heifers are replacements. They will come home in the spring to be AI bred and hopefully become part of the cow herd.A siren and feed-the best way to line the cattle up for a good head count.
It was a good January day to be driving around in a warm truck, soaking up the sunshine through the windows, and looking at cattle.