Spring is finally here. The cows and calves have to go through the chute to be “worked” before turn-out.

First the cows and calves have to be separated into different pens. Then we start on the cows.

Each cow goes through the tub and alley system into the chute. She is vaccinated with a pre-breeding dose of ViraShield 6 VL5HB to prevent Vibrio, 5 strains of Lepto, L. HarjoBovis, BVD, PI3, and BRSV. She is also dewormed with Long Range, vaccinated for pinkeye, and given a dose of MultiMin.

Then it’s on to the calves.

Calves received their vaccinations. They get 20/20 Vision 7 which covers pinkeye and 7 strains of Clostridium (blackleg), and they get Pyramid 5 plus Presponse which covers IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV and 2 strains of pasteurella . Calves are also dewormed with Long Range. We band the bull calves and vaccinate for tetanus. All calves are ear notched and the notch is tested to identify Persistently Infected BVD calves (PI).

Until next time!
Don’t forget to shut the gate!